Science reveals the reasons behind painful paper cuts

Paper cuts can be very painful. It’s common to get a small cut while flipping through a magazine or book. But tissue paper is unlikely to bleed. Now, scientists have explained the physics behind why some papers are more likely to rip through the skin. Physicist Kaare Jensen was part of the team that conducted … Read more

These Are the Smallest Smartphones You’ll Ever Find

Many new smartphones are closer to tablets than mobile phones. Still, not all of us are keen on carrying around a phone that feels like a dinner plate. Whether you prefer small, simple gadgets or you need a backup smartphone, compact smartphones that pack a punch are still available. If you need something really small, … Read more

How Two Monitors Crippled My Productivity

If you work in tech, multiple monitors are almost a status symbol. The more screens, the more productivity—at least, that’s what I thought when I added a second monitor. I expected my workflow to skyrocket, but instead, I found my productivity plummeting. Here’s why having two monitors actually made things worse. Why I bought a … Read more